1. Written test was conducted on 9-4-2011 ... for nearly 120 students...
2. Out of 120.. 65 members are shortlisted for Tech. Round..
Tech round is conducted on next day i.e 10-4-2011..
3. 36 members were shortlisted for H.R round
4. Results were announced at around 6:15PM evening..
Total 28 members got selected form our college...
I have felt so tensed... but finally my name was announced..
That is the great day in my life...
I hope this xperience is useful ....
Written test is completely on C,Aptitude..
C language bits(15) are some what tricky.. but we can do them.. and..
Aptitude bits(10) are dead easy..
Total for 25 marks... I got 16 marks..
2. Out of 120.. 65 members are shortlisted for Tech. Round..
Tech round is conducted on next day i.e 10-4-2011..
My Technical round questions..
--> Inheritance
--> Polymorphism
--> Abstract Class
--> Primary key , UNIQUE
--> Difference between DBMS and RDBMS
--> He asked Code rules in RDBMS.. i said i dont know sorryyy..
3. 36 members were shortlisted for H.R round
H.R round is very easyy....
He asked me about some things in my RESUME like hobbies .. etc..
He asked what is the meaning of my name "sriram".. i said...
He asked about our college "Pragati Engineering College"
He asked about our college "Pragati Engineering College"
He asked what is the memory of Google.. i have tried to guess it.. but he said the answer .. 1.5 KB..
thats all..
4. Results were announced at around 6:15PM evening..
Total 28 members got selected form our college...
I have felt so tensed... but finally my name was announced..
That is the great day in my life...
I hope this xperience is useful ....
Thank you IBM...