Monday, February 21, 2022

Our Google Groups for helping Job Seekers. Freshers, Testing, Java, .Net, UI, Oracle etc

In my mission of helping job seekers. I have come up with various Google Groups which i created for respective people who are working on that platform.

Below is the list of all groups which are currently active.

Data Analyst
Business Analyst

Anyone can join the above groups, Just in 5 steps
Detailed steps to join above groups is mentioned in below post.

Steps to Join above groups

Step 1: In your browser(Mobile/Laptop), Login To your gmail.

Step 2: In a new tab in your browser, Open the respective group link above . 

Step 3: On the Top left hand side there will be a button "Join Group". Click that

Screenshot 2019-11-04 at 11.32.55 AM.png

Step 4: From the drop down of "Email delivery reference". Select the last option which is shown in the below screenshot.

Screenshot 2019-10-24 at 5.06.53 PM.png
Option to select is "Notify me for every new message"

Step 5: Click on Join this Group(Last step).

Done!!!. You will receive all the job updates from now. 

How to avoid our mails going to spam - FIx the issue in 3 simple steps

If you see our emails from ( are going to spam, fix it using below steps. Note: Try this in desktop/laptop 1) Go to any...