Saturday, October 22, 2011

MinGW GCC Compiler for windows .. XP/Vista/7

U should have Internet on your system then only it will work..
First run the given file.. while installing leave the path as c:\mingw by default.. dont change it.. it will download some files and install them.. it will all go in cmd prompt automatically.. u no need to do anything

after installation edit/set path variable in mycomputer -> properties -> advance system settings(in case of win 7) -> environment variables ( system variables ) to this
if any thing is there previously dont delte that simply add a semicoloumn and add this to that

path : C:\MinGW\bin;C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin\;

see this image u will get an idea..

To Type a c program use da edit plus editor in my blog.. search for it.. it is with setup + serial

Now How to Run a C program??
1) open command prompt and go to that c file path n type this to compile n generate output file

2) To Compile 

gcc -o hello hello.c

3) To Run


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