Saturday, December 17, 2011

Customize Windows 7 Logon Screen with Windows 7 Logon Assistant

There are many free apps available on internet lets you change Windows 7 logon screen with custom background image, we’ve even covered Logon Editor app in the past which lets you edit Windows 7 Logon screen, Windows 7 Logon Assistant is freeware portable app lets you tweak logon screen and you can enable the option and login to windows with a smart card if you’ve one available.

Windows 7 Logon Assistant

Using Windows 7 Logon Assistant

  • After running the app you’ll be presented with app UI with Logon Tweaks, Logon Button Set and Logon Message sections. From the logon tweaks, you can enable and display last logon information on logon, make user to enter username at logon, Remove shutdown button from logon and enable version logging (requires system restart) .
  • If you’ve smart card you can enable  the option for it and logon with it. You can hide the brand name on logon. You can set logon button to have darker text shadows and lighter buttons or to have no text shadows and opaque button where windows default is set as lighter text shadows and lighter button.
  • You can display desired welcome message at logon by typing in the message caption and message body boxes, leave those fields if no need to display message in logon. We’re getting exception on our end on selecting and applying settings, let us know what’s happening on your side.


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