Monday, February 27, 2012

Send To Manager: Manage Shortcuts in the “Send To” Menu

Most often you use “Send To” Menu to send any file(s) to USB Drive or desktop, there isn’t any easier way to manage shortcuts (.LNK) present on the “Send To” Menu, Send To Manager is a freeware portable app allows to add or remove shortcuts in the “Send To” Menu.

Manage Send To Menu Shortcuts with Send To Manager

Launch Send To Manager which displays shortcuts in the “Send To” Menu folder. For each Shortcut displayed, it’s path and target are shown. You can select and right-click on a shortcut to – search on Google to know more information about it, Remove the shortcut, open containing folder, view its properties. 
Send to Manager
You can also add new custom shortcuts to “Send to” Menu- all you need to do is: right-click on empty space on the program window and select Add New Shortcut. When “Add shortcut” dialog appears, select the file and shortcut name and click “Add” button.
shortcut right click menu
Minimalite Send To Manager works on Windows XP/Vista/7 (both 32& 64 bit).
Download Installer version or portable version in a Zip file.

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