Any PDF Viewer/Reader lets you view PDF files where text, images, vector graphics are properly displayed in fact Google Chrome Browser does the same, for a change to concentrate on text for reading if you want to view PDF document without images then you can use PDF-No-Img freeware app, this is not a PDF Viewer it just hides and replaces the image objects in a PDF file with a simple gray box.
Using PDF-No-Img
After installing the program on your Computer right-click on a PDF file in Windows Explorer and select PDF-No-Img from Open With menu where default PDF Reader loads the no-image-version created by the program.
If you want images to be hidden by default when you open a PDF file, then you should set PDF-No-Img as the default reader. But you can still view the original PDF file with all images by selecting open original from file context menu.
This program doesn’t hides vector graphics and inline images in a PDF document. PDF-No-Img can’t handle encrypted PDF files it just stops by showing a message when an encrypted file opened by the user.
PDF-No-Img works on all Windows.
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